2023 Art Show Line Up
Hello 2023 and my new list of art shows for the year. I shall be updating this list as new opportunities arise. The big news for this year is that I have partnered with 3 dear friends, neighbors and seasoned artists who share a similar interest of showing our artwork throughout Manitoba. Our first show will be in the brand spanking new Village Studio at Pineridge Hollow this May 5th 6th and 7th. This gallery along with all the other shops, marketers and food venues just opened at the end of 2022 and so we are very excited to establish ourselves as the Villages’ Artists.
My original artwork is always available to view in my home gallery, Warehouse Artworks, 222 McDermot Avenue in Winnipeg’s trendy Exchange District and Gwen Fox Gallery gift shop in Selkirk MB.
Thus far this year I have booked these in person art shows and sales:
LCAG Spring into Summer, art show and sale, April 21, 22 and 23rd. 180 Poplar Avenue, Winnipeg, MB
ARTARAMA at the Mary Mother of Church, 85 Kirkbridge , Richmond West from April 28, 29, and 30th.
The Village Studio at Pineridge Hollow, ARTists4 Present Their Vision, May 5,6,7th at 67082 Heatherdale Rd 25E in West Pine Ridge
My art exhibit in the Winnipeg Concert Hall lower level, enclosed gallery space from June 1st through to August 31st.
Gwen Fox Gallery June All Members show will include 2 new paintings. 250 Manitoba Avenue, Selkirk MB
Gwen Fox Gallery Show with 3 other artists showing in the main gallery starting June 25th til July 22nd. 250 Manitoba Avenue, Selkirk MB
Gwen Fox Gallery, All members show September will include 2 new paintings. 250 Manitoba Avenue, Selkirk MB
LCAG “Art for the Holidays”, show and sale, November
The Village Studio at Pineridge Hollow, ARTists4 Present Their Vision, November / December at 67082 Heatherdale Rd 25E in West Pine Ridge
Gwen Fox Gallery, members show December will include 2 new paintings as well as a holiday gift assortment, 250 Manitoba Avenue, Selkirk MB
Give me an email for more information on any of these shows or with questions about the artwork posted here or on my Jo Smoley Art Instagram page or Jo Smoley Art Journal FB page. The web-site is never as up-to-date as my Instagram which is my favorite method of keeping InTouch with everyone. Hard to keep up with everything as I would rather be painting. Saying that I would be happy to produce any produce you would like which features my artwork. Tote bags make great gifts, cards, coasters, scarves, yoga wear and more can be available. I can also make any of my paintings available as framed prints, canvas or metal or acrylic prints are also options.
PS the photo above is a copy of the invitation I made for the ARTists4 show at The Village